• The toyokoken.co.jp website ("this website") is operated by Toyo Koken K.K.
  • Please read the following terms before using this website, and only use the website if you agree with these terms.
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Customer personal information is information which can be used to identify customers, such as their names, addresses, dates of birth, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.

Providing personal information

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    The copyrights to the text, photographs, designs, and other content of this website belong to Toyo Koken or its content provider. By editing this content in the form of a website, Toyo Koken also owns editing copyrights to this website. These copyrights are protected under copyright laws, copyright conventions, and other laws in various countries.

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    It is prohibited to use this information in ways which are not recognized by the copyright laws or conventions of various countries (including reproduction, transfer, posting, transmission, deletion, modification, sale, translation, lending, etc.) without the permission of Toyo Koken. When copyrights are owned by parties other than Toyo Koken, the permission of these copyright holders is also required. Trademarks (including "TOYOKOKEN", "Toyo Koken", and other product names, etc.) and trade names are protected by trademark laws, commercial laws, and other laws in various countries, and cannot be used without permission.


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